Easy learning english.part-3.Pronoun learning

Type of pronoun.Part- 3


সাধারনত Noun এর পরিবর্তে Pronoun বসে।

Common pronouns are I, him, his, her, they, them, it, we, us, etc. , me, he, sh
-                      His contribution is appreciable.
-                      This job is done by them.
-                      She is a pretty girl.
-                      They are unbeatable.
Role of Pronoun in a Sentence: Pronouns are usually short words and they are used to make sentences less cluttered and less repetitive.
Kinds of Pronoun:
There are many different kinds of pronouns---
·        Personal Pronoun
·        Possessive Pronoun
·        Reflexive Pronoun
·        Intensive Pronoun
·        Indefinite Pronoun
·        Demonstrative Pronoun
·        Relative Pronoun
·        Interrogative Pronoun
·        Reciprocal Pronoun.

1.Personal  pronoun:
A personal pronoun is used instead of a person.
Such as I, you, he, she, we, they and who.

When a personal pronoun is the subject of a verb, it is called Subjective Pronoun
 (I, we, he, she, they, and you).
= love this book.

When a personal pronoun is not a subject and acts as the object, then it is called Objective Pronoun
(me, you, her, him, it, us, them and whom).
=Give it to him.
2.Possessive Pronoun:
A Possessive Pronoun shows ownership of something.
Such as his, hers, its, mine, yours, ours, and theirs.

-                      This pen is mine.
-                      Yours one is not real.
-                      Take hers from the room.
3.Reflexive Pronoun:
Reflexive Pronoun refers back to the subject in the sentence.
 They are myself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves and itself.

Ø  I ask myself when I take a decision.
Ø  He spoke to himself.
Ø  We learn about ourselves everyday.

4.Intensive Pronoun:
An Intensive Pronoun is used for emphasis. Intensive pronouns are myself, himself, herself, yourself, itself, yourselves, ourselves and themselves.
·         I myself have done the job.
·         The president himself visited the area.
·         He himself can’t do it.
5.Indefinite Pronoun:
An Indefinite Pronoun refers to an indefinite or non-specific person or thing. pronouns are any, anything, some, someone, somebody, everybody, everything, everyone, nobody, none, one, several, some, few, manyand each.
·         All people gathered here for the same purpose.
·         Does anyone know anything about the matter?
·         Each must do his best.
·         One must do one’s duty.
·         Anybody can play the game easily.
·         None but the brave deserves the fair.
6.Demonstrative Pronoun:
A Demonstrative Pronoun particularly point out a noun.
This, these, that and those are demonstrative pronouns to point out a noun.
·         You can smell that from here.
·         This smells good.
·         Those were bad days.
·         Look at that.
·         Would you deliver this?
7.Relative Pronoun:
A Relative Pronoun is a pronoun that introduces or links one phrase or clause to another in the sentence.
Relative Pronoun are that, who, whom, where, when, whoever, whichever and whomever.
o   The person who called me is my uncle.
o   I know where I am going.
o   The pen which I lost was red.
o   You should buy the book that you need for the course.
o   Robii Thakur is a poet who wrote the National Anthem.
N.B_(Who and whom refer only to people. Which refers to things, qualities and ideas. )
That and whose refer to people, qualities, things and ideas.
8.Interrogative Pronoun:
An Interrogative Pronoun is used to ask question. It helps to ask about something.
Interrogative Pronouns are who, which, what, whom, whose; as well as whoever, whomever, whichever and whatever.
-                      Who and whom refer to person.
-                      What refers to thing.
Which refers to person or thing and whoserefers to person as possessive.

o   What’s happened?
o   What do you expect from me?
o   Who designed this website?
o   Whose mobile is this?
o   Whatever did you want?
9.Reciprocal Pronoun:
A Reciprocal Pronoun refers the relations between two or more persons or things. Each other and one another are Reciprocal Pronouns.
Ø  Rimi and Raju like each other.
Ø  We should help one another.
Ø  Why don’t we believe each other?
Ø  They do not tolerate each other.

See next part-------------Adjective

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