Top 10 Health Tips|English

Top 10 Health Tips

Top Health

what is your favorite healthy food is there foodthat. you think is healthy but maybeyou're not sure leave me a know your favorite healthyfood in a previous video.I explained whynutrition information can be soconfusing and so overwhelming.Basically ruled out all the junk emicjunk foods that.we know we're supposedto avoid so fried foods refined sugarprocessed foods or anything with areally long ingredient list and some of you are probably. asking well gee whizkarena. what the heck is left for me toeat and in this video I'm going to tell you now of course there's still plenty of controversy. about the foods I'm aboutto discuss but I've done my best toreally simplify. it down just rememberthat every person's body is differentand there is no one perfect optical dietit's going to be perfect for everyperson so hopefully, you can use thisinformation to figure out the perfectdiet for you.I want to make one quickdisclaimer before ,we get startedas.I mentioned previously every person'sbody is different and some peopleliterally have allergies to certainfoods so you could have an allergy toany of the foods. I'm about to mentionand obviously you wouldn't want to eatthat food.Now if you don't know if youhave food allergies there's a couple ofways to find out if you just aren'tfeeling super. Healthy or you feel likeyou're eating healthy but you stilldon't feel well then food allergiescould be a culprit and the easiest wayto determine.if you have a food allergyis to eliminate the suspected food fromyour diet for two to three weeks andthen see.How you feel when you startreintegrating that food, so some commonfood allergens are gluteneat dairy soy and peanuts but as Imentioned you could have an allergy toany food and you want to look into thatas you're figuring out what the optimaldiet for you is going to be fruits areloaded with vitamins phytonutrients andantioxidants and they're delicious toosince you're going to be avoidingrefined sugar fruits are going to be thebest way to satisfy your sweet tooth solet fruits be your dessertnow of course fruits do contain sugarbut they also contain fiber and a wholelot of different nutrients too and it'simportant to note that the fibercontained in the piece of fruit actuallyhelps that fruit to not spike your bloodsugar so much so when you're eating apiece of fruit it's not going to spikeyour blood sugar as quickly as having asoda or having a spoonful of sugarbecause you've got that fiber in thefruit helping in that process now ofcourse if you're trying to lose weightthen you probably want to go easy on thefruit and certainly if you're eating alot of fruit you're gonna want to bereally physically active so you can burnall of those carbohydrates off but againfruits are a great way to enjoy andindulge your sweet tooth and I encourageyou to try all of the different fruitsthat are out there vegetables reallyshould be the bulk of your diet andwhether you eat meat or not every singleperson on the planet myself includedwould benefit from eating morevegetables the bottom line is that ourbodies our internal organs need acertain amount of nutrients just inorder to function properly andvegetables are one of the best ways tomake sure that you're getting thosenutrients they're loaded with fiberthey're loaded with vitamins and againif you are not eating enough vegetablesyou're never really going to feelsatisfied and full and this is becauseyour body just isn't getting thenutrition thatso if you have been eating a diet ofprocessed foods and you're somebody whofeels like you're always hungry andfeels like you're never satisfied thenthe lack of vegetables nutrients andfiber in your diet is probably thereason for that and when we're eatingnutrient-rich foods like vegetables wedon't have to worry so much aboutcounting calories because suddenlyyou're going to get so much nutritionand fiber with these foods that you'regoing to fill up and feel full andsatisfied before you'll be able to eattoo many calories of those foods andagain this is a topic that I'vediscussed in several videos the emptycalories vs. nutrient-rich calories andI think that really is the secret to notbeing on a diet and to not gaining theweight back is recognizing that we justtake the empty calories out of our dietwe don't even have to worry aboutcounting calories at all so vegetablesthere's sweet potatoes beets spinachSwiss chard kale there are a wholerainbow full of vegetables for you totry as I've explained in previous videosthe white refined flour that's used inwhite bread pasta and tortillas iscompletely stripped of all of its fiberits nutrients and this refined whiteflour is full of empty calories thismeans those calories turn straight intofat without giving your body and Newtonany nutrition it also means that thiswhite bread and white flour products aregoing to significantly spike your bloodsugar basically it's like having purerefined sugar every time you have thesewhite flour products so I recommend thatyou significantly decrease if notcompletely eliminate those processedwhite flour products from your diet nowwhole grains on the other hand can stillbe part of a healthy diet but the trickis to look for minimally processedgrains so brown rice is a good examplebarley wild rice there are severaldifferent whole grains out there andwhen you consume these minimallyprocessed grains they can be a reallygood source of fiber minerals nutrientsB vitamins lots of things that we neednot only to help us feel full but toprovide good balanced nutrition so theeasiest way to find these minimallyprocessed whole grains is probably bygoing to the bulk section of yourgrocery store or even to a health foodstore for the most part these foods areridiculously easy to prepare justbasically water and the grain and if youhave problems digesting these greens youcan soak them or sprout them to makethem even easier to digest another keyis to not make grains the bulk of yourmeal or the bulk of your diet you cankind of use them supplementally use themas you know one of the sides one of thesmaller parts of your meal you want tohave these grains in moderation and ifyou do have them be sure to opt forthose minimally processed grains dairyproducts are another controversialfoodstuff some people will say we're theonly species on earth who eats anotheranimals milk and yet it's important tonotice that people have been drinkingcow's milk and goats milk for hundredsof years so again I'm not going to tellyou whether or not you should eat dairythis is a choice that you're going tohave to make you're your own but what Iwill mention is that dairy is a verycommon food allergen and I personallyhave known people who have cleared upacne asthma arthritis um just fromtaking dairy out of their diet so ifyou're somebody who experiences thosethings it may be worth it to see ifdairy is something that you actually dobetter by avoiding now if you are goingto eat dairy then again and have just acouple of guidelines first off look forthe words pasture-raised or grass-fedyou wanthouse who are making your dairy productsto be very healthy you want them to liveon a farm and eat their natural diet sothat they're actually providing the mostnutrition to you in those dairy productsyou also want to opt for the full fatversion of whatever dairy products areeating so skim milk got on that fat-freecraze that everybody was experiencingand trying to get all the fat out oftheir dietwell actually the fat is what helps yourbody digest the dairy so if you'reeating fat-free dairy products thiscould be why you're having a hard timedigesting dairy so my tips if you aregoing to eat dairy are to look for thewords grass-fed and to always opt forthe full fat version legumes this isyour beans and any plant with seedsso actually peanuts are also a legumeeven though they contain the word nutlegumes are a great source of proteinthey're great source of B vitamins andminerals and can really be a wonderfulpart of a healthy diet there are tons ofdifferent legumes out there pinto beanskidney beans chickpeas lentils you nameit and you can significantly improve thedigestibility of legumes with soaking sobeans have gotten kind of a bad rap forcausing digestive discomfort and you cancompletely eliminate that digestivediscomfort by preparing them correctlyin a future video I'm going to go overthe process of soaking and sproutingbeans and it's the same process that canbe used to make grains more easy todigestand also adding a little bit of seaweedto the beams can also help make themeasier to digest so legumes somethingyou should be incorporating into yourdiet if you haven't already and be sureto look out for that future video onpreparing legumes as well nuts and seedsare loaded with fiber protein mineralsand healthy fats which are integral tohelping us form healthy brains nuts andseeds make a great addition to saladsand salad dressings they make awonderful snack and a great addition tobreakfast cereals I also want to mentionquinoa which is often considered more ofa seed than a green although it makes agreat substitute for rice and it'sprepared and pretty much the exact sameway and it is also something that can betolerated but often be tolerated bypeople with gluten intolerance so quinoacan be a great substitute for grains andrice as I mentioned and quinoa is acomplete protein which means it containsall of the essential amino acids and ifthis is something you haven't heard ofor aren't familiar with I would highlyrecommend that you introduce yourself toquinoa this is something like I eat on avery regular basis and is a really greatpart of a healthy diet to meet or not tomeet that is probably one of the mostcontroversial questions out there interms of health in terms of diet and wehave to recognize that at this pointresearch has indicated that eating hugeamount of red meat and eating processedmeats like hot dogs sausages processeddeli meats any meat products with aningredient list has definitely beenlinked to clogged arteries and heartdisease and of course there are somepeople who will tell you not to eat meatat all and still others who will tellyou to avoid all of the animal productsincluding eggs and butter now I'm notgoing to tell you whether you shouldeat meat or not eat meat you have tomake that decision for yourself and Irecommend that you make that decisionbased on how you feel when you eat meatnow if you are going to eat meat then Iencourage you to do so in moderation andto be selective so I have heard the ruleof thumb that you shouldn't eat morethan a palm-sized portion of meat at anygiven meal so eating a huge steak that'syou know twice the size of your head isprobably too much meat to consume at onemeal and you also want to look for thewords grass-fed or pasture raised andpreferably organic this is going to helpyou avoid factory farmed meat and againthis is a topic that I've discussed onthis channel before so factory farmedanimals many of them never see the lightof day they're pumped full ofantibiotics and hormones and often fedan unnatural sometimes geneticallymodified diet of grains which makes themreally really sick so we want to avoidconventional meat which most most ofwhich is factory farmed and you can doso again by looking for the wordsgrass-fed or pasture raised on thepackaging of any meat products or dairyanimal products that you purchase andthe same thing goes for fish you wouldwant to look for the words wild-caughtone other quick note about meat productsmeats that have been cooked at extremelyhigh temperatures such as frying orbarbecuing have a whole other host ofother health concernsacrylamide is a cancer-causing chemicalthat is producedwhenever foods or hook are cooked atextremely high temperatures so avoidingbarbecued or charred foods fried foodsof courseis going to be a really good option andyou can use the cooking technique lowand slow so using a low heat and cookingthat meat more slowly at that low heatis going to help preserve the proteinand preserve the nutrients that you'regetting out of that meat you're cookinga lot of you have asked for cookingvideos so in future videos I'm going totake you into my kitchen show you how toproperly prepare these foods and simpleeasy quick ways to prepare healthy mealsand in another video I'm going to gointo more detail about the factoryfarming methods that are so common andour conventional meat products and whyit's so important that we look for thewords grass-fed with your friends if you'd liketo learn more about me and my healthcoaching practice you can visit CorinnaRachel calm please be sure to subscribeto the psyche truth Channel and I lookforward to seeing you again next timewhy is nutrition information soconfusing to find out why and for somesimple guidelines on how to makenutrition more simple check out my videoconfusing nutrition there are dozens ofweight loss programs weight loss pillsand all kinds of weight loss gadgets outthere but is the weight loss industrytelling us.The truth check out our videoweight loss industry lies going on adiet and off a diet is a sure way togain all of that weight back for aridiculously simple dietcheck out the easiest diet ever.I haveover 100 different videos discussingnutrition weight loss and health.
Thank you all.

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