Coronavirus disease Covid-19


Coronavirus  disceas Covid-19  infectious disease caused by annually Discover coronavirus
most people in fact with the covid-19 virus will be experience male 2  moderate. older people, and those with underlying medical problem like audio vascular dishes, diabetes, chronic disparity, and cancel more like diplock serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is device informed about the covid-19 virus, the disease is caused and house apart protect yourself the other infection take care yourself the other in future. all this time There are no cassify vaccine for treatment for covid-19. However there are money I'm going Pinnacle information soon as.

Advice for public:

The American red course continents too closely monitor the coronavirus disease 2019 covid-19 endemic and following the list guide Ness from the centre Disease Control and present.
 who understand this is a please full time and if you want to know that Taken 2 you now to protect themselves and their families. below are some every step that people in the US. can take now in addition stay inform about hot help in in your committee and all eyes follow the direction of state and local of local authority.

  •  The CDC advise everyone Tu Aaye cloth face cover when going out in public going to to the the tour to pick up other necessities.

  •  Do not use face  mask main for a Healthcare worker.

  •  in addition do not place  cloth face covering on your young Sheldon under ace2 to anyone who has travel beating, or is unconscious, otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

  •  For the more information  see CDC guideline including how to create your own cloth face cover.
Help slow the  period of covid-19 
  • Follow those step to help keep  you and others safe
  • Stay home if you can and avoid Any known any non essential travel. essential travel  of more than 10 people.
  • Wash your hand often  with soap and water for 20 second, especially after being in apublic place,or after blowing your noice,coughting or sneeging.if soap and water are not readly availavail use a handd sanitizer.
  • Aviod touching your eyes,nose and mouth with unwash hand.
Who is at a higher risk
According to the CDC early information shows that some information people are the heigher riskof getting heigher risk from COVID-19.
Include older and adults and people of any age.
 Serious have serious underlying medical condition heart, long or liver disease, diabetes to asma, Seva awasti  and renal failure.
  •  People who are pregnant should also be monitor at since there known to be a tree with fever viral illness Highway to date one covid-19 has not shown interest  risk.
  •  If you are hiring for serious illness from covid-19 it is critical for you to take action to avoid getting sick.
  •  Stay at home avoid cloth contact with other and follow the other step above.
  •  call your health care provider if you have corners what to ask about obtaining external sasarie medication in case you need to stay home for a longer period of time.
  •  Call a medical professional as soon as covid-19 sympathy sympathy start if you are at Harry.
 according to CDC symptom include favour shortness of breath and cough. keep track of your Sam Prothom who is may refer to 14 days after expured.

Emergency morning scenes
 if you symptom  symptom become saver call to get medical attention immediately. morning sayings including:
  • Trouble breathing 
  • Persistent pain or pessure in cheast.
  • Now confution or inability to arouse.
  • Blush lips or face.

The list is not inclisive.Consult your medical provider for any other  sympothsthat are sever are concerning.Review CDc guidensfor more information.

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