How to Boost Your CPA Earnings

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In order to boost your CPA earnings you will need to research the quality of the CPA offers landing page. This is what a user sees with the actual offer on. I only ever promote CPA offers with high quality landing pages with a very easy to fill out form with no more than 4 fields to complete. Obviously, the fewer fields a user has to fill in to get the offer the better chance you have of earning money.

I have been involved in internet marketing for the last 10 years and can honestly say that by taking advantage of high quality CPA offers I have been able to generate a fantastic income online. I currently run some very successful CPA marketing campaigns ranging from small to very large and some of which earn me in excess of $20,000 a month.

In order to ensure that a CPA offer will convert requires you to check the landing page and ask yourself the following questions.

1. Is The Headline Relative?

Marketing statistics indicate that the headline is responsible for 80% of the ad copy. This means that you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of the reader. Make sure that the CPA offer has a clear headline that is related to the offer so that it grabs the readers attention.

Use offers with headlines that tap into the readers emotions because people generally make decisions based on emotions rather than logic.

2. Is The Landing Page Clear and Concise?

If you choose to promote a CPA offer that is confusing or misleading then you will lose the prospect. You want to make sure that the landing page is of a high quality with clear images and text that are related to the offer.

3. Is The Landing Page Relevant?

This is all about connecting the dots between what your advertisement reads whether it be a banner, text or a ppc advert to the offers page. Basically you want to make sure that the prospect knows exactly what to expect before clicking your link. If your advert is not relevant to the landing page and offer then it will be a waste of a click.

4. Will the CPA get a Positive Response?

People generally respond to an ad if they feel they have something to lose rather than something to gain.

People do not like the fear of losing out on something so any landing page that advertises a quantity limit or a time limit on that offer work extremely well.

A time limit on an offer such as "this offer expires in 1 hour" creates a sense of urgency for the prospect to signup.

5. Is there Social Proof?

Social proof is basically like a testimonial from a "real person" which encourages whoever is reading that this product works. You may have noticed that lots of dieting CPA offers use approvals by celebrity names like Dr. Oz and Rachel Ray to add a social proof to their landing pages. People are more prone to filling out offers because it appears as though a credible source such as Dr. Oz has endorsed the product.

6. Is the Call To Action correctly Placed?

To to promote a landing page that has a "call to action" that is placed directly in eye view so as soon as they get on the landing page the form is right there. The call to action should clearly indicate to the prospect what the next course of action will be.

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