Awareness and Readiness of COVID-19 - Essential to Know for Healthy Life

Awareness and Readiness of COVID-19

With a slow start in the month of January from China, COVID-19 Pandemic has become the deadly disease - that has spread its deadly wings worldwide with more than 50,00,000 active cases worldwide. Lockdown and quarantine, social distancing, stay safe at home, etc are common trending words now. Everyone is trying to know about the awareness and readiness of COVID-19 to stay safe and protected from this deadly disease.

Symptoms of COVID-19

Initial symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, body pain, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, running nose, loss of smell or taste, sneezing, headache, fatigue, body pain and rarely vomiting or diarrhea. It can spread to the lower respiratory tract and lungs - about 4-5 days that can cause Bronchitis and Pneumonia that manifests as breathlessness.
Awareness and Readiness of COVID-19
According to researches and reports that doctors from across the world are bringing to the world, social distancing and boost your immune system naturally are two key points that can keep you away from the deadly disease and may provide you a better way of living healthy life.
Awareness and readiness of COVID-19 will be the helpful way for you to provide you with the secrets of healthy life.
The sanitization can be the best solution to disinfect the virus
Stay home and stay safe is key to break the chain
Boost your immune system naturally - by adding some essential herbs in your diet through various sources
Focusing on holistic treatment can be helpful in keeping you protected
Consulting with experienced doctors can be the right way to get maximum protection.
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Awareness and Readiness of COVID-19 is essential to know about the symptoms and stay safe and protected from this deadly disease. You will learn the secrets to boost your immune system naturally.
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Dr Varsha's Health Solutions is focused on spreading knowledge and awareness of health, wellness, and medicines in the community to bring about greater confidence, physical-mental well-being, and productivity.

awareness and readiness of COVID 19

The illness called COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) is caused by the virus designated 2019-nCoV (also called SARS-CoV-2), which is a novel strain of the Coronavirus group first seen China in December 2019.  This illness is similar to viral flu. From the time of getting infected, it can take from 2 days to 2 weeks to manifest definite and recognizable symptoms (incubation period).
Initial symptoms include sore throat, cough and fever which may be accompanied by nasal congestion, running nose, loss of smell or taste, sneezing, headache, fatigue, body pain and rarely vomiting or diarrhea. The virus can spread to the lower respiratory tract and lungs in about 4-5 days and can cause Bronchitis and Pneumonia which manifests as breathlessness in addition to the other symptoms.
Death occurs due to ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) which is respiratory failure resulting from massive inflammation and damage (fibrosis) of the lung along with decreased oxygen in the blood, and/or sepsis, leading to multi-organ failure (including Heart and Kidney failure). More recent research has pointed towards involvement and damage to the blood vessels (endothelium – the inner lining of blood vessels) and increased blood clotting, as a possible cause for severe disease and mortality.
The overall mortality rate from COVID-19 is around 2-3% (<1% below 50 years of age). Risk of serious disease, complications, and death is higher and seen far more in older patients (>60 years) and those suffering from other underlying medical illnesses like Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancers, and diseases of the Airway/Lungs, Heart, Kidney, Liver or Immune system.
More than 6 million people have been infected globally with almost 45-50% of the cases already recovered. There have been around 3.5 lakh deaths, but >90% of people have mild symptoms.
The WHO designated COVID-19 as a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) and a pandemic indicating that international action will be required to contain this infection.

Transmission and spread 

The 2019-nCoV is transmitted between humans through droplets emitted from infected individuals through coughing, sneezing, spitting or talking. One gets exposed to these droplets by coming in direct contact with infected persons, infected surfaces, and suspended droplets in the air when at close proximity (about 1 meter) of an infected patient. The virus can remain on metal surfaces and fabric for around 12 hours.
A cotton swab sample from the nose-throat and/or mouth-throat junction (nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyngeal swab) is taken to test for the presence of the virus in an individual. A person is said to be positive if the presence of the nCoV-2019 is confirmed in the swab sample by a test called RTPCR (Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction). Every affected country has set up designated testing centers and reference standard laboratories for COVID-19. It usually takes 1-2 days for getting the test results, however faster/rapid tests are now approved in various countries to shorten average testing time to under 3 hours to as low as 5 minutes.
People who had possible contact with a lab-confirmed COVID positive case should be tested as soon they develop symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough or breathlessness, and if asymptomatic, should be in 14-day self-quarantine to observe for symptoms. The same had been advised for those who had traveled in the last 14-28 days to a COVID affected country or had contact with a symptomatic person who had traveled in last 14-28 days to a COVID affected country.
People living in the same household as a COVID positive case are considered High-Risk Contacts (HRC), and should be in strict isolation for 14 days. They should be tested immediately on the onset of any possible COVID symptom, or in a period of 5-10 days after their contact developed symptoms.
In addition, hospitalized patients with severe acute respiratory symptoms, Influenza-like illness (ILI), Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) or pneumonia are to be tested.
Health Care Workers handling COVID positive patients should be tested if they develop symptoms.  If a Health Care Worker has handled a COVID positive case without adequate protection, he/she may be tested even if asymptomatic.
Another test for testing antibodies to 2019-nCoV in blood (serological test), has been developed. This will help in the screening of high-risk areas/hotspots and migrant clusters, detect infection whether active symptomatic or asymptomatic carriers and also help to assess the immunity developed to the virus.
There is currently no specific drug/medicine available for COVID-19. All active cases should be placed in strict isolation. Mild cases recover with symptomatic treatment, maintaining hydration and nutrition, and clinical monitoring.
Some drugs which were specifically developed and approved within the past for other infections are being researched and tried in certain COVID patients and are therefore called Re-purposed medicines. Remdesivir (originally developed for Ebola virus) and Favipiravir (an anti Flu drug) have shown some effectiveness in recovery time and rates of hospitalized COVID patients. In some countries where these drugs aren't yet available, anti-HIV drugs like Lopinavir-Ritonavir are tried with limited success. Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine (anti-malaria drugs) given with or without Azithromycin (antibiotic), haven't shown any definite evidence of benefit for COVID and should also increase the danger of cardiac rhythm abnormalities (arrhythmias) especially in elderly COVID patients with other co-morbid health conditions. Hydroxychloroquine, also wont to treat atrophic arthritis (RA), has been recently approved in some countries like India for preventing severe symptoms in exposed/infected health care workers or close/household contacts of active COVID-19 patients. Tocilizumab, also an anti-RA drug, has shown some anecdotal evidence within the treatment of severe lung disease in COVID-19 patients. Another drug Nafamostat, which is employed as an anticoagulant, is being studied for its anti-viral properties of inhibiting entry and activation of SARS-CoV-2 in human cells. However large clinical trials are yet to verify the generalized effectiveness of of these drugs in managing COVID-19, and every one these drugs can have side effects that require to be clinically monitored, especially when given together . Therefore, as of now, these drugs are getting used by doctors in a number of the COVID-19 cases counting on patient type, disease severity, and presence of associated medical conditions. most significantly , none of those drugs should ever be taken without the prescription and monitoring of a professional physician. Serious cases need oxygen therapy and should also require ventilator and life support. Treatment using the Plasma (a component of blood) of recovered patients is additionally being tried in serious cases, and its large scale feasibility and effectiveness are still to be ascertained.
While most COVID positive cases were being hospitalized in many countries in designated hospitals, to stop overwhelming and overloading of healthcare workers and facilities, a multi-level isolation and treatment system has inherit play in some countries like India, with patients having mild symptoms and no risk factors or pre-existing medical illness, isolated in COVID-Healthcare Centers, (self-care/basic care repurposed stay centers like hostels, lodges, stadia, guest houses, etc.). Moderate or Severe cases (having breathlessness, or decreased blood oxygen saturation) are treated in COVID hospital isolation wards in dedicated COVID hospitals or hospital blocks with oxygen and life support/ventilator availability. Severe high-risk cases are cared for in COVID hospital ICUs.

Disease Prevention, Protection, and Hygiene

Every affected country has taken immense measures to curtail the spread of COVID-19 and limit the amount of cases and deaths. Measures include restricting flights, sealing airports and borders, closing all public places and institutions, limiting conveyance , imposing lockdowns and curfews and stepping up testing units and hospital facilities. However, the foremost important thing is for the people to follow and cling to the advisories and proposals of their respective governments, and take the specified precautions and care without panicking.
Precautions and Preventive Measures for the Public
Clean hands frequently- Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds or use alcohol (at least 70%) based disinfectant hand rub or sanitizer.
Cover nose and mouth with disposable tissues, napkins, handkerchief or elbow/sleeve while coughing/sneezing (after that wash hands or use sanitizer immediately). Discard tissues in a closed bin. If using handkerchiefs or non-disposable cloth, wash after use in warm water and detergent.
Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, or mouth as much as possible.
Stay home as much as possible. While outside for essential work, maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter from other people. Avoid shaking hands and hugging socially.
Mask is to be compulsorily worn if suffering from cough or fever, while visiting a healthcare facility, caring for an ill or symptomatic person, and by close family contacts of suspect/confirmed COVID-19 cases. An N95 or triple-layer mask (changed 6 hourly and immediately when wet) with colored side out should be used.  Mask is also recommended as protection to be worn when going out. For this purpose, a homemade/cloth mask (washable/re-usable) can be used if a triple-layer mask is not available.
Avoid contact with cases suffering from fever, cold or cough, and with people who have travel history for at least 14 days.
Avoid non-essential travel, social visits, and being in large groups or crowded places.
If you return from overseas travel from any country where cases of COVID-19 are present, a 2-week self-quarantine to observe for symptoms is a must. If symptoms appear, inform your country’s health-line number for getting tested.
Do not panic, or spread panic or fear. Do not forward or share medically non-validated or unconfirmed news, articles, or guidance on COVID-19. Follow and adhere to government advisories and recommendations.
Avoid unprotected contact with wild/farm animals. Preferably consume all meat only after cooking.
Research labs and companies in some countries have genetically studied and sequenced the 2019-nCoV and are engaged in fast-tracking a potential vaccine, for which a clinical trial has already begun.

About Coronavirus

Coronavirus is a family of viruses possessing a single-stranded RNA as the genetic material and is characterized by the presence of spiked glycoproteins on its surface. This gives these viruses the appearance of wearing a crown (or corona) and makes them distinctly identifiable under the microscope. There are many types of Coronaviruses found in humans as well as animals like bats, birds, and pigs. Four types namely the 229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1 Coronaviruses regularly circulate in humans throughout the world and cause the common viral cold.
Sometimes the Coronavirus found primarily in animals and not routinely in humans, can periodically undergo a mutation (change in its genetic material sequencing) into a new virus subspecies (strain). It can then ‘jump’ to humans, through animals that people commonly come in contact with through food products, in wet markets, farms or in various other ways.
The strain of Coronavirus seen first in Wuhan, Hubei province of China which started infecting humans in December 2019, is one such novel Coronavirus strain labeled 2019-nCoV, and the disease it causes is called COVID -19.
In 2002, a similar occurrence originated in Guangdong, China, and that Coronavirus strain was called SARS virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). In 2012, another outbreak happened in the Middle East, where Camels were supposed to be the intermediate animals. (MERS -Middle East Respiratory Syndrome virus). The 2019-nCoV has been renamed SARS-CoV-2 in February 2020.

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